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컴퓨터를 정리하다 예전 제가 강사시절 사용한 신입생용 테스트지를 공유합니다. 이 테스트지는 제가 직접 만든 것으로 테스트 후 한 명 한 명에게 일일히 피드백을 해 주었습니다. 각 문제가 출제된 이유를 설명하고 정답이 갖추어야 할 요건과 내용을 공유합니다. 많은 학생과 학부모님들에게 지지를 받았었던 테스트지인데, 소개해 드립니다. 


이는 제가 수업을 의도하는 기본적인 의의와 방향성을 것이므로 호불호가 있을 수 있습니다. 

- 아래 -

1. 시험이 불편하게 느껴질 수 있습니다. 최대한 성의 있 게 아는 대로 기재하시기 바랍니다.[제한시간 50]

2. 자신의 영어실력을 진단할 수 있는 좋은 기회입니다. 우등반과 실력반으로 구분하여 수업을 진행할 예정입 니다.


1. 제시된 단어의 의미를 아는 대로 모두 기술하시오(3개 이상). 명사, 동사, 형용사 등 모든 의미를 기술하시오.

[] board : 나무판자, 식탁, 위원회, 식사하다, 회의하다, (기차, 비행기 등)를 타다 ......

fortune : ___________________________________________   feature : ___________________________________________

game : _____________________________________________   level : _____________________________________________

whisper : __________________________________________    corridor : __________________________________________

momentous : _______________________________________  indecisiveness : ____________________________________

melancholiness : ___________________________________


2. 제시된 숙어가 사용되어질 수 있는 상황을 2가지 이상 제시하시오. 외워서 기술하려하지 말고, 제시된 숙어가 사용되어질 수 있는 경우를 미루어 짐작해 보시기 바랍니다.[ ] take on : -한 일을 떠맡다, -한 기분을 가지게 되 다, 인기 등을 얻다 ......]

turn down: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

make up: ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

back off: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

catch on: ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

keep off: _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

take over: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


3. 주어진 지문을 해석하시오. 단어 하나도 빠뜨리지 말고, 순서대로...... 그리고 주어진 글의 주제를 20자 이내로 약술하시오.

Even our most highly educated guesses often go disastrously wrong. Albert Einstein remarked, "There is no chance that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable." Why is predicting the future so difficult? Would it be smart not to try to guess what's coming next? Not predicting the future would be like driving a car without looking through the windshield. We desperately need people who can foretell the future. They help us narrow the infinity of possible futures down to one or, at least, a few. We look at the present and see the present; they see the seeds of the future. They are our advance scouts, going secretly over the border to bring back priceless information to help the world to come.

➜ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적당한 것은? 그리고 이유를 약술하시오.

Human beings have been seeking new ways to cure illness and look after the sick for thousands of years. Today there are many drugs, machines and tools that doctors and nurses can use to fight disease. Yet in some ways, . In ancient Egypt 4,500 years ago, a doctor would use pressure to stop someone from bleeding. A modern doctor would do exactly the same thing. In China 2,000 years ago, doctors knew a great deal about the human body. They also practiced a healing technique called acupuncture (inserting needles into parts of the body), which is still used all over the world. By the 1500s Chinese doctors knew about some of the drugs that we use today.

little has changed    similar things are many    various diseases have appeared

there are no protective measures                      new techniques have been adopted



5. 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적정한 것은?

When I first got cable TV, I was ecstatic about the reception and excited about all the choices it provided (many fewer than today). Now I complain about the shortage of attractive programs. Similarly, when it first became possible to get a wide variety of fruits and vegetables at any time of year, I thought I'd found heaven. Now I take this year-round bounty for granted and get annoyed if the nectarines from Israel or Peru that I can buy in the winter aren't sweet and juicy. I got used to adapted to each of these sources of enjoyment, and they stopped being sources of enjoyment. Because of this adaptation, enthusiasm about positive experiences doesn't sustain itself. The ____________________ over time seems to come as an unpleasant surprise.    *bounty 주어진 것 **nectarine 승도복숭아

neglecting of tastes      purchasing of services  

decreasing of pleasure  overcoming of feelings     accumulating of wealth


6. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르고, 각각의 이유를 약술하시오.

Some pessimistic scientists believe that climate change on Earth has already passed the "tipping point" beyond which it is not (A)[difficult / possible] to stop the slide into global meltdown. But other groups of scientists think that even if the tipping point has been and gone there might still be hope for the planet in the form of geo-engineering, which is superscale design-and -build work that could (B)[estimate / reverse] the effects of climate change. The ideas put forward include sending giant sunshades into space to block out some of the Sun's light; building a network of industrial plants around the globe that would suck in carbon dioxide, compress it into liquid, and then pump it underground; and tipping gallons of fertilizer into the oceans to (C)[hinder / encourage] the growth of marine plant life to absorb carbon dioxide from the air by photosynthesis.



7. 다음의 세 문장을 출제자가 열거한 이유를, 밑줄 친 부분을 참조하여 서술하시오.

I want him to pass the next exam.

My mother doesn't like my going such a place.

It snowing heavily, we put off the game.



8. 다음 문장의 ( ) 속에 적절한 동사의 형태를 고르시오. 그리고 그 이유를 약술하시오..

Liz suddenly felt something (touch) her on the shoulder.

touch            to touch            touched              to be touched              being touched



9. 다음 글의 밑줄 부분 , 어법상 틀린 것을 고르고, 그 이유를 약술하시오.

When the European explorers arrived in the Pacific in the 1700s, they marveled at the accuracy of native Polynesian navigators. Despite the lack of any instruments, charts, or knowledge of mathematics, native navigators were so competent that the Europeans took them aboard their own ships. The Europeans discovered that the natives navigated mainly by memory. Polynesian navigators, by rote memorization, knowing when and where certain stars would come up and when and where they would go down. A sailor would remember a trip from one island to another through this method. Natives also knew that certain fish stayed nearer to islands than others, as did certain birds, flying insects, and types of seaweed. It made them keep on course. * rote: 기계적인



10. 관계대명사와 관계부사에 대해 아는 대로 쓰고, 이 둘을 구별할 수 있는 방법을 쓰시오(예문을 사용 할 것).



11. 분사구문이 무엇인지 예를 들어 최대한 자세히 설명하시오.



12. 주어진 문장에서 모든 수식어구를 빼고 필수구성요소만 적으시오.(Tip... 수식어구 : 형용사//, 부사//, 필수구성요소 : 주어, 동사, 목적어, 보어)

Many cows that the government imported from Australia feed on the grass in the ground pasture at the foot of Mountain Seorak.


The milky cows of this farm are surely happy animals because the farmer treats them well by feeding them with the best fodder so that they may produce more good milk.


The poor cows working hard to furrow the stony soil of the wide farm in the daytime give abundantly with no complaint the greedy men of the farm fresh nourishing milk in the morning.


Almost all the cows that you can find in the farms of this country pleasantly have almost all its men eat satisfactorily their meat left behind when they are slaughtered while they willingly have all its children drink joyfully the milk which they produce when they are alive.



13. 주어진 글을 읽고 밑줄 친 saliva의 의미를 기재하시오(유추 가능).

Seeing animals licking their wounds caused people to believe that saliva had some magical healing power. Even today the first thing someone does when they hurt their finger is to put them in their mouth. Nowadays, when we spit on our hands, we are asking for added strength.


14. 다음의 여덟 문장 중 틀린 문장을 모두 고르시오. 그리고 출제자가 이 문제를 출제한 이유를 추정하여 서술하시오.

Put the gun down.          Put down the gun.           Put it down.              Put down it.

Run the street down.       Run down the street.        Run it down.             Run down it.


이 정도 문제에 대해 90%이상 그리고 긍정적으로 반응했던 학생은 제가 20년 강사였던 기간 중 서울대 보낸 360명에 저절로 포섭이 되었습니다. 80%정도의 성취도를 가진 학생도 연고대, 카이스트 정도는 대부분 진학하였더랬습니다. 그렇다구요......